Make Money Slowly but Progressively at Baccarat
I modified the Progressive Martingale Method for Baccarat successfully. This method can be used online or live. Short 5-10 minute …
“Baccarat Strategy”
The Strategy Explained
In this modified progressive baccarat system, players bet one dollar on each spin to begin with.
After the first hand is dealt, you bet on the opposite of which hand won.
So if the banker won the last time, the next bet you will place on the player. Likewise if the player wins, the next step would be on the banker.
In this Martingale betting system, players will double their bed after every loss. They will only continue this process for five losses in a row. If you lose 5 in a row you go back to the $1 bet.
Players are also advises to keep a simple running tab of which hands won and the type of bet played. You would write down “D” for double, “P” for player and “B” for Banker. This way it’s easy to keep track of how many double bets you have made in a row and which hand has been winning.
Title: Make Money Slowly but Progressively at Baccarat
Uploaded by: Jett Webb
Video length: 6:42
Popularity: 106,270 views
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